Articles of association & Internal Regulations
The Articles of association serve as a foundation for the association. They describe the procedures of the organization, who is responsible for what matters and the objectives of the association. The last changes to the Articles of association were in 2021.
The Internal Regulations have been drawn up to create clarity in the muddle of unwritten rules that rules that apply within ID. These rules have been laid down in this regulation. The regulations also serve as a supplement to and operationalization of the Articles of association. The last changes to the regulations were in 2018.
Both the Articles of association and Internal Regulations are written in Dutch. For English explanation of the documents, please visit the board.
Short-Term Policy & Long-Term Policy
The purpose and continuity of the association is formulated in the long-term policy and the short-term policy. These documents have been prepared over the years to give the association a clear direction.
The long-term policy should serve as a mix between guidelines and inspiration for the direction of the association. It is compiled by the Raad der Wijzen (Counsil of the Wise), consisting of board members from up to 5 years ago, and is reviewed every 5 years. The upcoming update will take place in 2022 – 2023.
The short-term policy is reviewed annually by the incoming board. It contains their key priorities and project plans for the association and what the overall offerings of ID are.
Both the short-term and the long-term policy are written in Dutch. For English explanation of the documents, please visit the board.